I was already a bit obsessed with pink Himalayan Salt. It was my salt of choice for myself and my clients due to the amazing healing properties. Did you know pink Himalayan salt contains 84 trace minerals and elements that are also found in the human body?   I also may have had a salt lamp in pretty much every room in my house!  

I knew there was a need in our community for halotherapy, even if it was just for stress management. Of course, we also know it has numerous health benefits.

Nearly half of all Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease. With chronic disease at an all time high and continuing to grow each year, we have to slow down and make some pretty drastic lifestyle changes.

Some people equate health and wellness with painful or uncomfortable changes.  Are you one of them?

The good news is incorporating regular dry salt therapy into your life is not painful at all. It’s actually very enjoyable and can complement all the healthy lifestyle changes that you are already making or maybe should be making.

Because if you are living a standard American lifestyle don’t be surprised when you get standard American diseases.   

Welcome to Revive Salt Therapy & Wellness where we provide the best holistic products and services available to improve our client’s quality of life. We empower our clients to create health on their own terms, one breath at a time.      

I can’t wait to meet you!

In abundant health,
